Buy box Creative

What is

Creative Buy Box?

Creative Buy Box is a tool for real estate investors to find cash and creative deals, both on-market and off market. Our goal is to have a centralized location where buyers can find deals nationwide without the hassle of scouring through hundreds of groups and websites.

Giving you the data you need to make informed decisions!

Mortgage Balance

How much you will owe after you take over that deal? You get that information from the get-go!


Know how much your monthly payment will be, yes, including HOAs and other monthly payments!

Entry Fee

Find out how much you will pay at closing, this number may or may not include closing costs, it will vary with every deal.

Interest Rate

See what interest rate any deal is at and make a more informed decision based on that!

Tap in with the biggest names in the industry for creative finance. Get the deals that matter to YOU! If you would like to receive the deals that best match your buy box, click the link below and fill out the form and get them sent to your inbox before everyone else!


Creative Buy Box?

Long-Term • Mid-Term • Short Term

Section 8 • Co-Living • Corporate Rentals

Pad-Split • Airbnb • and More!


Who is this platform for?

Creative Buy Box is for professional investors that are well versed in creative finance, preferably those that have done these types of deals before, however, if you haven't we can hold your hand throughout the whole process.

Where do these deals come from?

These are deals that are under contract by our internal team or that have been sent to us for disposition by our network of JV partners that we have under contract for that property as well, giving us the ability to market these properties

Why do you require proof of funds?

This is a measure we take to make sure that all of our buyers are actually solid, we take this business very seriously and we want to make sure that when we go under contract with a buyer, they will have the ability to perform.

How do we know this isn't a daisy chain?

We can provide you with a redacted Purchase and Sale Agreement and our JV contract so you make sure that there are no other wholesalers involved in the transaction ensuring a smooth transaction

How much is the EMD?

The EMD or "Deposit" is a minimum of $5,000 and will vary based on the negotiated amount set by our partners.